Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Franklin Virtue

The virtue that I chose was cleanliness. I have chosen to use franklin's definition, tolerate no uncleanliness in the body, cloths, or habitation. I liked his definition because he covered all the bases, cleaning yourself and anything that will affect you. I picked this virtue because I am usually a pretty clean person but this summer with all of my work, summer work, sports and family functions, that has gone out of the window and my room along with other parts of my daily life has become very unclean. I plan to work on this virtue by keeping everything around me clean, making sure that the space I live in has no mess and is very organized so I know where everything is and I will be presented as a person that has it all together. I will make sure that the things I use are put back where I got them so some one else does not have to clean them up. I will clean one part of my clothes and habitation every day.

Today I wake up and do my normal morning duties, take a shower, brush my teeth, comb my hair and put it up and put in my contacts. This starts my clean day off well. My day continues and I participate in a chocolate slip and slide, this was not clean but as soon as it was done I took a shower with extra shampoo to clean off all of the chocolate and to get into clean clothes. I participate in a game of man hunt with the other teenagers at the campground and obtain a grass stain on my pants. I had to go back to the camp to change my pants and wash them so the stain will not be a dark as it could be.

Being at the campground throws off my cleanliness, I have to get up and clean out the tent. This means that I have to take the pillows and blankets from the bed and bring them into the camper to put them under the couch. I had to then take down the air mattress and put it back into the bag. (This is not an easy task, but it keeps it clean.) When that was done I could do my normal morning things, shower brush my teeth and hair ect. We get home and we have to clean out the camper and bring everything inside. Once the camper is cleaned I can go to wal-mart and get the supplies to wash my car. I bring them home and take 2 hours to wash my car.

Today I woke up and took a shower, brushed my teeth and hair and put my contacts in. My cousin had stayed the night and I had to pick up the air mattress that she had used. Cleanliness is not only cleaning yourself but cleaning anything that will affect yourself, like this bed in the middle of my floor. It occurred to me that cleanliness of habitat would imply making my bed every morning and I made my bed when I thought about it.

I wake up and do my morning routine and added making my bed to my routine. I packed in my duffel bag all of the clean clothes that I would need for my sports of the day. I took another shower when returning from the rope swing in Hartland. I had to drive to Laura's house on her dirt road and got my car completely covered in dirt, I had to wash it off when I got home that night. After meeting Laura I changed into my softball clean clothes and then went to the game. After my softball game I had to change into my clean basketball clothes very quickly and play in the game. When the game was over I had to get out of the sweaty clothes and put on clean ones for the baseball game I went to watch.

I wake up and do not take my shower because we are headed to the beach and I would get very dirty at the beach. When we got to the beach Laura and I set up towels on the sand so we could lay or sit down without getting the sand all over us. I went swimming in the ocean and then dried off on my towel so the sand would fall off me. I took a shower and put on clean clothes so I could ride home. My sister drove my car to the beach today, while I drove with my other siblings in my fathers car. I have to clean out my car from the mess that was made in it. When I get into my room I find another mess of clothes that are still in the laundry basket and dirty clothes that need to be taken down to the wash. I take care of the mess and start the wash.

Again I wake up and do my morning cleaning, shower, brush my teeth and hair, get dressed in clean clothes and make my bed. From the beach there is a lot of sand in my car so my cleaning for today is to vacuum out my car. I noticed that my dirty clothes were getting high and I sorted them and started the washer. That was my cleaning for the day.

I got up this morning and had to watch my little brothers, this puts off my morning shower and clean up a little bit. I switched my clothes from the washer to the dryer. When the clothes were done in the dryer I took them to my room and took care of them. I also cleaned my room and the bathroom.

I think that I did pretty well with my virtue. I cleaned one big part of my body, clothes and habitat on each day. I feel that my virtue is was hard at times and not hard at other times. I found it actually relaxing to clean and be by myself for the time I was cleaning. I also found out that cleanliness has a lot more to it then just picking up after yourself when you are talking about cleanliness in habitat. Many other people can make a mess in your habitat that you have to clean it, like my sister and my car. I also think that I was not always clean, I did not master my virtue. To tolerate no uncleanliness has its hard times, if you fallow it all the time then you will have to miss out on things like the chocolate slip and slide and other fun things. It is impossible to have no tolerance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought this was a really good post...I like how your plans for mastering your virtue seemed well thought out, and I liked the part in your evaluation about how it's impossible to have zero tolerance with a virtue, and how you'd miss out on things like chocolate slip and slides if you were completely strict. [= I thought that was a good point and pretty insightful--you can't be completely opposed to everything that isn't a virtue, or you'll end up missing out on the good things in life too.